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Collector Car Nation Classifieds Prices
Collector Car Nation Classifieds is a free service for non-business sellers. If you would like to upgrade your listings or save money and become a member, please find pricing below. If you have any questions, contact us, we are here to help!
Basic Account
Fan Club
per month
Pro Club*
per month

per year
Best Value
If interested in learning about pricing for business accounts, please click here
Listing Upgrades
Basic Account
Fan Club
Pro Club*
Photo Gallery
(50 photos)
life of the listing
life of the listing
Premier Listing
2 weeks
4 weeks
12 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
12 weeks
life of the listing
Featured Listing
per week
per week
per week
Boosted Search Placement
1 week
2 weeks
4 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
4 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
4 weeks
Show a Video
life of the listing
life of the listing
Add Subtitle
life of the listing
life of the listing
Newsletter Listing
$50 per issue
Bold Text
$0.99 per listing
Red Border
$1.99 per listing
Bigger Thumbnail
$24.99 per week
Repost Options
To repost an existing listing for additional weeks
$20 — 4 weeks1
$30 — 8 weeks1
$40 — 12 weeks
$50 — 16 weeks
Automatic Repost Daily
$300 per month
Automatic Repost Weekly
$150 per month
Automatic Repost Monthly
$30 per month
Run 'Til it Sells
Basic Account
Fan Club
Pro Club*
Photo Gallery (50 photos)
$20 life of the listing
Premier Listing
$25 2 weeks
$50 4 weeks
$75 12 weeks
Featured Listing
$30 per week
Boosted Search Placement
$40 1 week
$70 2 weeks
$120 4 weeks
Show a Video
$10 life of the listing
Add Subtitle
$2.99 life of the listing
Newsletter Listing
$25 per issue
Bold Text
$0.99 per listing
Red Border
$1.99 per listing
Bigger Thumbnail
$24.99 per week
Repost Options
To repost an existing listing for additional weeks
$20 — 4 weeks1
$30 — 8 weeks1
$40 — 12 weeks
$50 — 16 weeks
Automatic Repost Daily
$150 per month
Automatic Repost Weekly
$30 per Monthly
Automatic Repost Daily
$300 per month
Run 'Til it Sells
Honor Payment
Donating a percentage of your recent sale helps us keep the site free to basic users and supports upkeep and development. This is completely optional! For more information please click here
*Value Points
Value Points are a benefit given to paid members. Purchase an annual membership for $49.95 and receive 6500 value points = $65.00 to use for listing upgrades to sell your stuff faster!