Thread: ghustler
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Old 02-17-2012, 05:02 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
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If you spend any time on forums across the web including SI, CNN etc., you will see an abundance of trolls. These people say obnoxious things because they can hide behind their computer. These are things they would not say to a person face to face.

Real interaction with humans moderates behavior. Hidden interaction fosters poor behavior; and ultimately drives other users away and burys the topic.

I think its fully appropriate for the Moderators to moderate these forums and require that users behave in a certain manner.

Repetitive obnoxious behavior can absolutely warrant a warning from the Mods, and failure to adhere to the guidelines can certainly and appropriately lead to lack of use.

Ghustler, you are here to provoke. You enjoy it, and I wouldnt be suprised if you have been here before under a different name.

Ban him? I dont really care about him so I will defer to you guys.

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